Knowledgebase article 45

How to upgrade to Tomcat 5 on Netware

HelpDesk will not run on Tomcat 4, and you will need to upgrade to Tomcat 5 before installing HelpDesk version 7.X or higher. You will also need to move all your applications using Tomcat to the Tomcat 5 installation. We have had several problems when trying to run two instances of Tomcat at the same time. This knowledgebase article explains the necessary steps to upgrade to Tomcat 5.

View the following article from Novell:

You will also need to make some changes to the grouplink configuration files:

1. You need to place the grouplink.conf file in the tomcat/conf directory. if you don't have this file, you can download it from our ftp site here: If you already have the grouplink.conf file (it could also be named grouplink-nw.conf), make sure the references to "grouplink" are changed to "ehelpdesk", or you can just download the file provided above.

2. Check your tomcat folder to see if it says "Tomcat 5" or "Tomcat 5.0". Edit the grouplink.conf file to match that and make sure all instances of "tomcat/4/ are replaced with "/tomcat/5/" (or "/tomcat/5.0" if that's how your installation is set up).

3. Edit the httpd.conf file (located in /apache2/conf/ directory). Add the following statement to the bottom of the page (with the other Include statements): Include sys:/tomcat/5/conf/grouplink.conf

4. Also edit the httpd.conf file to replace all instances of "tomcat/4/ with "/tomcat/5/" (or "/tomcat/5.0" if that's how your installation is set up). This is similar to step #2.

5. Unload apache (ap2webdn), stop tomcat (tc5stop), then load apache (ap2webup), then start tomcat (tomcat5).

Group eHD Standard Support Last modified Nov 13, 2019 Type Public Viewed 2841