Knowledgebase article 141

Running Tomcat on port 80 with the new installer

Running Tomcat on port 80 is normally a bad idea. Only do this if you're sure you understand and accept the security implications of running Tomcat as root on port 80.

Follow these steps:

  1. Run the installer as root as usual 
  2. When asked which port to run on, select the default (8080)
  3. After installation completes, stop tomcat using sudo /etc/init.d/GLtomcat stop
  4. Edit /<ehd install dir>/tomcat/conf/server.xml and search for the string 8080 and replace with 80 and save the file
  5. Edit /<ehd install dir>/tomcat/bin/tomcat and search for the string RUN_AS_USER. Comment out this line by inserting a # character at the beginning
  6. Restart tomcat using sudo /etc/init.d/GLtomcat start
Group eHD Standard Support Last modified Nov 13, 2019 Type Public Viewed 1063