Knowledgebase article 109

Making a tomcat redirect

This article will assist you in creating a redirect so you can simply type in http://<servername>:<port> in your address bar and it will automatically redirect to http://<servername>:port>/ehelpdesk

Attached is an index.html file. Download and modify it so that <servername> and <port> reflect the appropriate servername and port for your eHD server. Once modified, place index.html in your <tomcat>/webapps/ROOT directory to make it so that tomcat mainpage redirects to /ehelpdesk instead.
Make sure to backup your existing index.html file in there. Also keep in mind you won't be able to access the tomcat manager application (if installed) unless you explicitly type in /index.jsp into your link.

Group eHD Standard Support Last modified Nov 13, 2019 Type Public Viewed 3242