Knowledgebase article 187

Watcher Feature

Below is a description about Watcher Feature that could be used as a guide to fully understand the role of Watchers on the ticket submitted.

A ‘watcher’ feature has been added to the ticket.  The Watchers field will provide the ability to specify a list of users that should be notified when the ticket is changed.  Users in the watchers field will also have view access to the ticket, even if their group permissions wouldn’t normally allow it.  If the watcher is a technician in the group, they will have all technician rights as normal.

Watchers will default to ‘User’ Role when viewing a ticket in a group that they are not a member of.   There are new permissions in the Permission Models for the Watcher field, located at the bottom of the permissions list.

Watched tickets will show up in search results for users that are watching tickets.

Watchers – To add a user, click on the blue 0

Click in the box to add a user.  Click the X to delete a user.  

Group eHD Standard Support Last modified Nov 13, 2019 Type Public Viewed 1328