Knowledgebase article 17

GroupWise Collaboration and eHD

When logging in to HelpDesk, I receive a fatal error. The errors: com/sun/org/apache/xerces/internal/dom/DocumentImpl and com.sun.xml.internal.messaging.saaj.soap.ver1_1 show up in the tomcat logs and on the fatal error screen.

This problem is happening because you are trying to use Java version 1.6 when integrating with Groupwise.

To integrate with Groupwise 7, you must use the Java JDK version 1.5, for the time being.  Change the JAVA_HOME variables to point to the 1.5 version. See the article  "Setting the JAVA_HOME Variables" for information about how to do that.

Please note this is not any sort of problem with everything HelpDesk, but rather a GroupWise issue. Please view the attached files for the errors you would get trying to use Java version 1.4 and version 1.6

If you're running on Netware, then you are using Java 1.4. To be able to integrate with GroupWise on Netware, you must check the GroupWise 6.X checkbox (even if you're on GroupWise 7.X). You also have to have Active X controls enabled in your browser. 



Group eHD Standard Support Last modified Nov 13, 2019 Type Public Viewed 3320